Orthopedic oncology specializes in the treatment of men and women with bone cancer, sarcoma or cancer that has spread to the bone from other areas of the body. The treatment of metastatic bone cancer is evolving rapidly; advances in treatment have made it possible to treat metastatic disease more like a chronic condition and less like a terminal illness. To determine if a bone or soft tissue tumor is present, physicians often collaborate with the radiologists to administer and interpret imaging tests such as PET scans, CT scans, and MRIs. May also perform a fine needle biopsy, where a small sample of bone or tissue is removed and analysed to determine if cancer is present. In addition, we may use a test called flow cytometry, which allows orthopedicians to examine the DNA in cells and determine if cancer is present.

  • Emergency management
  • Triage
  • Advanced life support trauma

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